I tried 100 Glute Bridges every day for 30 days — here’s what happened

Lesley Rowland
4 min readMar 17, 2021

What happens when you only target your glute muscles

Lying on my back, legs shoulder-width apart, and feet planted on the ground, I started my mission to complete 100 glute bridges without rest. Glute bridges, or any type of thrust, specifically targets your glute muscles, so you do not bulk up your legs in the process. Yes, I was solely doing this workout for cosmetic purposes.

To get the most out of this 7-minute workout, I went slow to exhaust and tear the muscle. I pushed myself to gravity-defying heights and held the awkward table-top position before descending, but I made sure to never let my bottom rest on the ground.

Some choose to add resistance bands or weights, but I opted for a no-equipment workout just to see what was possible at the bare minimum. Although there are numerous variations of the glute bridge, I chose to do all 100 of them the basic way.

To better track results, I kept my diet the same but denied myself ramen because of its high salt concentration. (That was a sad time for me.) I consciously drank more water and arranged to have my protein snack post-workout. I ventured out on neighborhood walks, but that’s about it. (I really should have added a cardio component.)

The Beginning

Your first day back to exercising is usually easy, and you usually have to worry about getting through day two. Well, I felt the intensity after 50 reps. Everything in me wanted to break form and pulse the second half, but I powered through while painfully clenching my glutes.

Day #1

Sadly, I was not sore the next day. I knew that I would most likely plateau before the 30-day mark, but I didn’t expect that to happen by the second day. That evening, I went along with my 100 reps to still be on the struggle bus halfway through. Maybe there was hope that some progress could be made.

Day #15 (Halfway)

Usually, once I’m halfway done with a 30-day workout challenge, I stop waking up sore and start feeling mentally drained by the repetitive, mundane routine. But this workout was too short and easy to be annoyed at.

In the morning, I would stretch. In the evening, I would turn on my massage gun and work on my glutes. I treated the muscle as if I thrusted 100lbs at the gym for an hour.

The Results

I pulled my blue sporty spandex up over my waist. I danced, bounced, and posed in my iPhone viewfinder thoroughly impressed by the roundness and tight-appearance of my day-30-glutes. (You’ll see it all should you choose to watch the workout challenge video I embedded above.) I knew that I’d see a slightly more-lifted buttocks when I compared the before and after.

Here is a visual:

Before/After Comparison

From what I can see, my “after” butt photo looks smaller but more lifted compared to the “before” picture. I see a little glute muscle budding. But then when I look at it again, I can’t see any difference. (Ignore my stomach, please, because I ended up being more bloated on the last day.)

But the numbers don’t lie! I unraveled my ratty cloth measuring tape and measured the circumference of my butt, taking the time to triple-check the alignment.

The largest circumference of my bottom when relaxed was 36" and that remained 36" by the end. However, upon measuring in spandex at the largest circumference, my measurement started at 36.5" and increased to 36.75". (Yes, I know there’s always room for error with that margin difference, but don’t tell me that!)

Honestly, to see any progress was a big win based on the duration and level of intensity of this glute workout. I can’t recommend you doing 100 of anything and then calling it a workout unless you are bored and curious enough to try it for your own amusement. Effective workouts have realistic reps and downtime, more than one exercise, and require the presence of a nutritional meal plan.

What I Would Change

Looking back, I think I would have seen more results if I had added single-leg glute bridges, which are significantly harder. I believe this would make the routine hit the 10-minute mark, a very doable duration.

If I was going to dedicate a full 7 minutes to anything, I should have enhanced the workout with equipment. Resistance bands activate smaller muscles and better break apart muscle fibers. Weights can help you bulk the muscle should you do the proper amount of weight and reps. I probably would have been content with choosing the bands. But, same as before, an under-10-minute workout with only one exercise in a mere 30 days won’t bring very noticeable results.



Lesley Rowland

She/Her. 12+ years in the YouTube space. Former ‘Freshman 15’ panelist for Seventeen magazine. Obsessed with my Leo horoscope — but only when it’s good.